Jose de Silva's Lounge Discussions

Stage 32 Job Alert
Production Assistant hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Jesús Muñiz, a Production Assistant from New York City, New York was just hired for the project titled "CREW". Congratulations!

Jose de Silva

Hi m name is jose l miss work

Susan Schweitzer

Hello everybody. I'm new to Stage32. It would be great to meet and to connect with some like-minded screenwriters here. Still feeling my way around on this site. Writing is such an isolated activity so it's nice to have a place like this to come to once in awhile. Many blessings to you in your writi...

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Jose de Silva

Hi thank's

Wendy Joseph

Susan, I have one novel out, a sword and sorcery swashbuckler, and am currently marketing two screenplays, one based on the novel, the other a WWII drama. Got some poetry published and won a few prize...

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Shannon Moorland Hunziker

Welcome! There are also meetup groups for writers that you might enjoy. You can check on here and has some Philly ones. Rom Com is definitely not dead, in my opinion. Not that I'm a screenwriter, but I think it's too strong of a genre, and one of my favorites, I might add!

Susan Schweitzer

Thank you, Shannon! I will check out those groups. Good to know you like rom com still! I do, too. Maybe it's not dead, but just evolving. One could hope. It seems like the last 5-10 years there have been a lot of mixed genres, Action/Rom Com, etc... Thank you, again for your encouragement!

Shannon Moorland Hunziker

No problem! Have you seen The Giant Mechanical Man? It's a rom com I really enjoyed, and recommend. Jenna Fischer (played Pam in The Office) is in it. Yeah, there are definitely a lot of mixed genre m...

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