Seeking a paid gig to adapt novels to screenplays. Ron Howard called me and said my script was the best he had read from the actual author. As an author, I am skilled at adapting screenplays because I maintain the integrity of the novel.
Seeking a paid gig to adapt novels to screenplays. Ron Howard called me and said my script was the best he had read from the actual author. As an author, I am skilled at adapting screenplays because I maintain the integrity of the novel.
Looking for paid gigs! Can't afford to do any writing on spec.
Hi Leslie! So great to have you and your talents in this community! Have you looking into the JOB board here on Stage 32? Lots of great paid opportunities there! I would also take some time to go into...
Expand commentHi Leslie! So great to have you and your talents in this community! Have you looking into the JOB board here on Stage 32? Lots of great paid opportunities there! I would also take some time to go into the filmmaking lounge and offer advice and your services to filmmakers looking to adapt a piece of IP into a screenplay! :)
Just had my script requested by a 3rd major company!!! Thanks Joey for all you do, you've made this process so much easier.
That's always exciting
I hope you have a happy, healthy, and successful year. Bonnie
Very exciting news. Congrats! Joey is the best!
Congratulations Kimberly... that's great news. All the best.
How do I sell my screenplays?