Hello everybody, I am quite new to Stage32, so allow me to introduce myself. I am an actor, with some talent as scripwriter too, living initially in Barcelona (Spain) but with ties to London, Paris and Madrid. I am open to new projects around the world. I have a Mediterranean look and a very high le...
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You are so very welcome, Ruben.
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Cool, Pat! Good to see you, my friend.
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I'm here RB silent runnings :P
Hi Ruben! I can relate! I'm also new to Stage 32, an actress, sometimes scriptwriter, and have done some directing and production work over the years. I am Colombian, I live in Los Angeles, I also am...
Expand commentHi Ruben! I can relate! I'm also new to Stage 32, an actress, sometimes scriptwriter, and have done some directing and production work over the years. I am Colombian, I live in Los Angeles, I also am fluent in French and have lived in France, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia as well as several of the United States. I would love to work in different cities, including your beautiful home town! I have a friend who lives there, but I've never been. How has it been going? Have you found work? Wishing you the best!
Welcome Ruben to a great community! keep driving and making those connections youll do great! Kep the dream alive!!