I've been writing for a number of years. I discovered my passion for writing whilst doing some upgrading in English 30 at the age of 30.
We all had an assignment in class to rewrite a scene from Hamlet done in another era. I misunderstood the assignment and rewrote the entire play. I received a very good mark and was hooked ever since.
After upgrading my English, I enrolled in an eight week course at a college for screenwriting. The course enabled me the fundamentals of screenwriting, so I wrote like a wildfire.
Although, there is no substitute for experience, I still felt I had much to learn about character development and arc, so I attended a 1 month intensive screenwriting course offered at the university. It helped me fill in some of the blanks I felt had been missing and after completion of the course, I began writing my first feature.
Approx. 6 mths later, I enrolled in an 8 wk Creative Writing course to hone my creative side of writing. The more tools the better, is my motto.
It took me a long time to write my first feature. I had heard of another 8 week screenwriting course being taught by a credited writer, so I leaped at the opportunity. I found it very fulfilling and was exposed to a variety of genres. It forced me to rethink what genre I was best suited for. I felt comedy was my best option. The idea of making people laugh time after time while telling a great story truly gave me my direction. It was all the incentive I needed.
Since that time, I've written and produced 4 short films and written 7 features.
Unique traits: no shortage of material
Frank N. Stein Horror ⋄ Western A fresh corpse is discovered by a mad scientist only to be resurrected to take revenge on an outlaw gang, the Bloody Vikings whose mission it is to rob the famous Golden Tomahawk train before fleeing back to Norway as kings.
The Sorcerer's New Spoon
Film (short)
by Vancouver Film School
writer, editor
Hypno Fixer Upper
Film (short)
by Vancouver Film School
writer, director, editor
Consenting Assaults
by Rolling Thunder Productions
Writer, director, producer, editor, musical score
Smiling Shwitz
Film (short)
by Rolling Thunder Productions
writer, director
University of Calgary, University of Mount Royal, NAIT