Marcelo Pontes's Lounge Discussions

Marcelo Pontes
Director, Editor, Photographer

Hello everybody! I'm a filmmaker from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's been great to be sharing this space with all of you! I think we can accomplish a lot collaborating in each other's project. Especially when our aim is to produce independent and innovating films. Let's be in touch!! Cheers!!

Andrew Bee

Nice to meet you, Marcello.

Marcelo Pontes

Hi Elisabeth, hi Jamie, hello Andrew, thanks for connecting here! Nice to meet you!

Andrew Bee

This site has incredible resources. Use them if you can. Best wishes in your career.

Kevin Doy Burton

Hi Marcelo. Link:

Niki H

Hi Marcelo, lovely to meet you! Make sure you're engaging in the Filmmaking and Producing Lounges, and whatever fits your networking needs :)


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Mark Glamack
An example of knowing what you're doing and the best that can be done.

This is film-making at its very best at Every in the business should view this. ENJOY!

Kevin Doy Burton

That was breathtaking. Talking about extreme bike riding. My question is,doing a take like that would you have to make a life and death decision? I mean just to look at the scenery and the actor who's willing to do it.

Debbie Croysdale

Watching this it's hard to find the right words, so will just say WOW! This is so different, with so many quality assets, and possible outlets. Eg. Could so easy be an ad for a top sports chain, to th...

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Mark Glamack

Me too Portia, with goose-bumps to boot. How about when he hit that fence and flipped over to the other side? I sure hope that was only one take.

Mark Glamack

Good question Kevin. As i was watching I was thinking you would have to be NUTS to even attempt that. But then I realized that we must be prepared and willing to stand out in the crowed to reach our f...

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Mark Glamack

Yes, Debbie and WOW is the right word! You're right, but It would have to run as a commercial as it is, and its length would be prohibitive in cost. Editing it down to thirty-seconds could never do it...

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