Umoja Tull's Lounge Discussions

Umoja Tull
introduction and Shane Hurlburt

Hi I'm Mojo. Stage 32 wants me to introduce myself so here i go. I am Umoja Tull, I'm currently part of Shane's Inner Circle and I was wondering if there are any other SIC members here. SIC has been very helpful to me and It would be nice to connect with you guys and girls on Stage 32 as well.

Al Hibbert

Welcome Mojo- I happen to be a big Tull fan--Jethro Tull- the English rock band. Don't know what that has to do with the price of tea in China, but, just thought I'd throw that out there. Is Shane's Inner Circle mostly for cinematographers?

Umoja Tull

haha, I hear about Jethro Tull alot, i don't know anything about them though. SIC is mostly if not exclusively for cinematographers.

Al Hibbert

Mojo- If someone said "I'm going to see Tull"- that was a good thing! You work for CBN?

Umoja Tull

I do work at CBN as a camera operator. Honestly i've never actually listened to a Jethro Tull song.

Umoja Tull

thank you Aray. it is nice to be here

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