Robin Hunt

Robin Hunt

Ultra Entertainment Media Productyions.

Trenton, New Jersey

Member Since:
February 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Robin

An army brat, spent 3 years living in Germany, worked for he New Jersey Dept. of Transportation producing and directing training videos. Worked as professional wrestling manager Hunter Q. Robbins III in ECW from 1990 to 1993, wrote and produced Professional wrestling shows for the USWF from 1993 to 2004. Appeared in Brewster's Millions, and Cookie. Attended Lights Film School. Worked on various Student and Indie productions in various capacities. Formed Ultra Entertainment Media Productions with Allan Sconza Jr.

Unique traits: Producer, Director, Cameraman





  • The Rise & Fall of ECW

    The Rise & Fall of ECW (2004)
    Video (Documentary and Sport) Archive footage A documentary on the rise and fall of cult wrestling federation ECW

  • ECW The Night the Line Was Crossed

    ECW The Night the Line Was Crossed (1994)
    Video (Sport) Actor Add a Plot »

  • ECW When Worlds Collide

    ECW When Worlds Collide (1994)
    Video (Sport) Actor Add a Plot »

  • Eastern Championship Wrestling

    Eastern Championship Wrestling (1993)
    Television (Action and Sport) Actor In the early 90's, Eastern Championship Wrestling, an independant wrestling federation run by Paul Heyman, seperated itself from the NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) and declared itself Extreme Championship Wrestling, debuting on television as "ECW Hardcore TV." The weekly show featured excessively long and violent wrestling matches, and made stars out of such wrestlers as Taz, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Francine, Justin Credible, The Dudley Boyz, The Sandman, Balls Mahoney and Rhino. Financial issues caused the federation and the TV show to go under in 2001. Written by Anonymous

  • ECW Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular

    ECW Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular (1993)
    Video (Sport) Actor Add a Plot »

  • ECW Ultra Clash '93

    ECW Ultra Clash '93 (1993)
    Video (Action and Sport) Actor Add a Plot »

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