Duggie Kyle

Duggie Kyle

Content Creator

Perth, United Kingdom

Member Since:
March 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Duggie

I am currently involved in music licensing for media in Europe,
however I am also a creative ideas person seeking authors & screen writers for film & television




  • Star child

    Star child Mystery Romance Sci-fi Fantasy STARCHILDMalaky's MiracleIn life, nothing is ever what it seems, On average, a human being lives for 75 years, a turtle, 150 years, a fly, 24 hours. A star shines for a billion years, until it fades, therefore is it so unbelievable that a dying star should seek out love before it fades into oblivion, Malaky, a 10 year old boy from Dublin, in Ireland, sends out an invitation for a miracle, a star to wish upon, the universe hears his plea & inadvertantly turns off God's voicemail. For generations to come, parents will tell their children of Malaky's miracle the legend of the Starchild & the last 21st century fairytale A movie based on the works of Gabriella Sanchez

  • One Little Indian

    One Little Indian Mystery Historical Drama Family Fantasy Western One Little Indian An ageing native American chief watches a TV news report & decides to venture across all the states of America to deliver a 600 years old, long forgotten message & as a token of his final life's mission, inadvertently creates panic in New York, influences The Dow Index, but saves the world, and the story began with; 'One Little Indian'

  • Brahan Seer's Legacy  (The Return)

    Brahan Seer's Legacy (The Return) Drama Family Historical Mystery Thriller Brodie, a young boy with learning difficulties, inadvertently finds his destiny unfold, but his birth had been foretold 500 years before, unbeknown, his legend returns to the now. (His journey begins) Circa; Kyle XY -                   TV Series  (mystery, intrigue) Hamish MacBeth -      TV series,  (modest outlook) Take The High Road - TV series,  (village life) River City -                TV series,   (accents) Harry Potter -                  movie,  (main character) The Da Vinci Code -        movie,  (intrigue) Local Hero -                    movie,  (feel good factor) Being There                   movie    (the art of deceiving an audience & winning them over)

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