Can someone tell me what sides are?
Hi! Just recently joined the sight and as I have one door closing behind me soon am hoping that this is a new door opening. I have been working way to much in the real world but still trying to focus on making a childhood dream a reality for the first time in my life. So, that being said, any and al...
Expand postHi! Just recently joined the sight and as I have one door closing behind me soon am hoping that this is a new door opening. I have been working way to much in the real world but still trying to focus on making a childhood dream a reality for the first time in my life. So, that being said, any and all suggestions I welcome. Any assistance I can receive on signing with an agent or manager, I will also gladly take. In 30 days I will be regular job free so I will have plenty of time to really do something within this new reality called acting. Just finished filming a scene in "I Am Wrath" as an extra, can not wait to get my feet wet on a real role!
It sounds like I may be in the same boat as you. Best of luck!!
Kathryn, thank you for the encouragement. Katie, best of luck to you as well.
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Ellen: "The sides" are pages from a stage play or a script that you will be reading (usually before an audition, to prepare). What play will you be in?
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My Blind Brother
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Thank you for the help.
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thank you so much for the advice and the education