Oriana Zängerle's Lounge Discussions

Nathaniel Baker
Oriana Zängerle

Hi Nathaniel, I love your poster. Is it an animated film?

John McElhenney

Thanks for connecting. I just joined InkTip from your link.

Roshdy Ahmed

Hi, thanks for connecting! Hope we chat soon!

Maurice Vaughan

Great website, Nathaniel Baker! Did you design it?

Kevin Bibo
Desert Director

But not that kind. I am the Director of College and Career Readiness for a public school district in Southern California. I am also the writer of 6 feature screenplays. I would love to sell, but I need help. I mostly write about my experiences and observations in education. Nice to meet you!

Oriana Zängerle

Hey Kevin, I am a teacher myself, and write on my day off. I have made some film projects with my students, and they love it. Spicing up music class with acting exercises is great fun for them, too.

Kevin Bibo

Hi Oriana! I taught high school media classes for 15 years before the “dark side” of administration. Those student projects were the highlight of my teaching career.

Geoff Hall

Kevin Bibo greetings, Kevin. It’s great to see you hear in the Stage32 community. I hope you are well. Have you ever tried the Stage32 Script Services, to get your scripts in fro t of Execs?...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Kevin Bibo. What's the other kind of Desert Director? :)

Trish Persen

Hello, Kevin. Fellow educator/writer here. I love that you write from your experiences as an educator. There are many hats that we where and know a lot of secrets. If you ever need a reader or a collaborator, let me know!

Davis Bunn
Author, screenwriter

Good morning, all. Davis Bunn here, writing from Oxford, where I'm serving as Writer in Residence at one of the University colleges. I've been a full-time novelist for over thirty years, did a graduate course in screenwriting eight years ago, have been doing spec scripts since. Sold two, neither pro...

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Davis Bunn

Hello and thank you both so very, very much. So encouraging to hear of your work and determination to forge ahead.

Oriana, I lived in Switzerland for almost five years - taught at uni in Vaud, then wor...

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Davis Bunn

Dear New Allies,

I walked away from this morning's communiques, only to feel like I'm not focusing on what really should be shared here - lessons I have learned from these current situations. So here g...

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Oriana Zängerle

Dear Davis,

I can understand you miss Switzerland. I' ve been in a few countries myself, but couldn't live anywhere else long-term.

Thanks for sharing your takeaways on how to build a writing career. Yo...

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Davis Bunn

Beautiful words, Oriana, and thanks so much for these comments. I have a co-author with whom I've just completed our third novel, first two published, second just released last week - he lives outside...

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Oriana Zängerle

Hello Davis, yes please do. I haven't been on here much in the last few months because I ' ve had a baby. He' s now 15 weeks old.

Amanda Toney
Thoughts on James Cameron? And have you been inspired by his work?

For those of you in the filmmaking community, how do you feel about James Cameron's recent bodies of work? Any tips that you have gotten from him as a filmmaker? Please share in the comments!


Robert Macfarlane

I believe the greatest tip from James Cameroon for me would be how to not rush. If you look at his IMDB profile you can see there are huge gaps between his movies. Instead of compromising his vision h...

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Oriana Zängerle

I think he is a very dedicated filmmaker and a visionary director. It is astounding what he has been able to accomplish. Avatar has been very inspiring to me with the visual themes, and also the sound...

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Martin Reese

I have been a James Cameron fan for years. He is inspirational to me. He has some incredible visions. He is very driven, but that's why he has accomplished.so much. And just as an aside to prove the p...

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Steve Captain

Fan of, an ICON. Memorable characters and stories. Unforgettable.

Stephanie McNutt

I have a spin off question, do you think audiences want bigger than life stories like Cameron, Marvel, etc... or intimate portraits and tight scope stories. I loved Titanic, but sorry to offend, not a fan of Avatar.

Oriana Zängerle
New inspiration

Hey there, I am a director and screenwriter from Switzerland currently working on my sci-fi/fantasy feature screenplay. I was forced to cut my trip around the world short due to the pandemic. However, now I am using the time to get back into a writing routine, fueled by my travel inspirations.


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Taylor C. Baker

Welcome Oriana Zängerle! Sorry to hear about your trip being cut short, but glad you staying safe at home in Switzerland. Good luck on all your projects, looking forward to connecting!...

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Oriana Zängerle

Hey Taylor, thanks! Sometimes you get a clear sign that now is the time to write that screenplay.

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