Adam Egizi's Lounge Discussions

Adam Egizi
Just joined!

Hey everybody! My name is Adam Egizi and I am a filmmaker in NY/NJ area always looking for work from a PA to 1st AD. I just joined Stage 32 and I'm looking to meet some great people and jump on many projects. I'm working on a few projects as well as teaching high school students how to produce films...

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Mark Saltman

Welcome Adam :)

Michael Curylo
Florence, Italy.

I will be shooting around Florence, Italy April 23-May 13. Looking for small crew (1 camera person, 1 sound, 1 assistant) and also for actors. If any leads - let me know.

Michael Curylo

ok lets chat! see what we can do!

Adam Egizi

I lived in Florence for one month. I can help you get around if you need help.

Lucio Lepri

I'm from Florence (right now in LA) and I know a few people there, so I can get you in touch with someone who could help you.

Michael Curylo

i could use a 3rd camera op ...

Lucio Lepri

What camera?

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