"Witnesses." UT art department on a successful & crazy set!
"Witnesses." Here is the UT art department!
"Witnesses." Last day in Canada. Sound isn't coming to the next location, Massachusetts.
"Witnesses." Last day in Canada.
"Witnesses." With Props Master, Bruce Wing. What was I thinking in this shot? Looks like I'm saying, "What in the...."
"Witnesses." Watching a scene
On set of "Love Everlasting," as Production Designer.
On set of "Love Everlasting," as Production Designer.
On set of "Love Everlasting," as Production Designer. Fun with props.
On set of "Love Everlasting," as Production Designer.
On set of "Love Everlasting," as Production Designer.
"Justin Time," with the fantastic Bri!
When I began to get into film, I was the DP... but I switched over to Art Director. You ask why? Um. "Justin Time."
Me as DP on "Justin Time."
Art Director on "A Christmas Eve Miracle."
With crew of "A Christmas Eve Miracle."
Lexus Commercial at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.
Production Designer on "Love Everlasting" with daughter who is a set dresser on this production.
Crew & one cast on "Love Everlasting."
Late evening on "A Christmas Eve Miracle." My daughter's first film. She was assisting me for a few days.
Cast member of "Love Everlasting," Lucky Blue Smith with my third daughter.
My daughter helped with building sets such as this fort that had to be collapsable to take to location. "Love Everlasting."