Been on Stage 32 for a while . Have lost a bit of inspiration to keep going . Think this may be a pipe dream . Been trying to develop as a screenwriter but finding my opportunities limited as I am not financially in a position to enter any screenwriting competitions . Wondered if other people are in the same boat ?
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Lance Ness Seeing as your horror is low budget, could you perhaps look at making it yourself? That's the best way of getting into this business rather than relying on the interest of others....
Expand commentLance Ness Seeing as your horror is low budget, could you perhaps look at making it yourself? That's the best way of getting into this business rather than relying on the interest of others.
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Good luck Lance with the horror project
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I know you asked about screenwriting specifically, but I wanted to share some stats of mine with you that may help. I wrote 12 novels in 10 years before I wrote the one novel that got me signed by a l...
Expand commentI know you asked about screenwriting specifically, but I wanted to share some stats of mine with you that may help. I wrote 12 novels in 10 years before I wrote the one novel that got me signed by a literary agent. Then, that book wasn't picked up by any publishers, so we had to toss it on the shelf. I've since written four other novels that my agent didn't like before I wrote my current young adult contemporary novel which my agent loves. Hopefully this time around a publisher will love it too. I still haven't had any success with screenwriting myself, and like you, think about giving up on it, but if my novel writing career has taught me anything it's that perseverance is key in any sort of arts career. Things do eventually happen, we just have to have patience and not be afraid to put in hours and hours of work chasing our dreams. I know it's hard and it seems impossible, because I've been there too. I hope this helps in some way, but the bottom line is -- do whatever will make you happy and help you reach your life goals. Best of luck!
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Thanks for such a positive reply Rena . Has inspired me to keep going
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Do what makes you happy, we're only given so much time after all. Good luck!!!