Paul Economon's Lounge Discussions

Fiona Edgington
Discovering acting later in life

Hi. I am new to this website, so here is a bit about me. As a child all I could think about was horses, I was horse mad and assumed that working with horses was all I would ever want to do. My sister was an actress at the time and I always thought acting was her thing. After working with horses for...

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Bill McAndrews

Six year ago at the urging of an actor friend I started acting. Like many I started doing background, primarily to learn. Worked my way into scenes, did a few Indie short films (lead roles), moved to...

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Steve James

Although I trained at Drama School in my 20's, I have taken almost 25 years off before returning to do something with my education. The roles available for someone of my age are way more interesting than those for leading men in their 20's!

Fiona Edgington

It's so great reading everyone's comments. I never expected such positive views and expected everyone to say I was wasting my time unless I took classes I can't afford. At the moment I'm auditioning f...

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Ulf Jean Loup Pilblad

I used to play a lot of school theater and I never had the chance to do it professionally. But when I turned 50, and after a life as a President & CEO in the travel industry, I recalled the words of A...

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Charles G. Masi

Okay, I'll say it: you're seriously cute. Combining that with the cojones to be a horsewoman gives you a leg up on 90% of the wannabes out there. Most of acting is allowing your personality show throu...

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