Jona Hitchcock Johnson's Lounge Discussions

Jessica Sitomer
Entertainment industry question 9: how do I know when it's time to give up on my dream?

As a Career Coach and Stage 32 Next Level Webinar presenter, when I get this question it breaks my heart. As someone who's asked this of myself, here's my answer...

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Jessica Sitomer

Thanks David! I always have fun with Jen!!!

Kristi Speiser

I have met thousands of actors. Many were amazing at their craft but couldn't sustain a living. Some gave it up to pursue other dreams. I knew one actor who was in class for 20 years before he landed...

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Jessica Sitomer

So true Kristi! Have a great webinar today!

Dave McCrea

First off your dream and reality are not the same thing - what you dream of doing or being you might actually not like at all when you're actually doing it - all you can do is move towards those dream...

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Jessica Sitomer

Words of Wisdom Dave...

Jona Hitchcock Johnson

Hello everyone,my name is Jona Hitchcock Johnson.I'm from Oklahoma,I started acting almost 3 years ago. I was an extra in my first film experience and fell madly in love with everything and have been pursuing it ever sense. honestly there's not much opportunities here in Oklahoma but I refuse to giv...

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Jona Hitchcock Johnson

Thanks Cherie

Venise Watson

Stay positive I share your small city struggle!

Jona Hitchcock Johnson

Hello Kathryn,thanks Venise :) I'm extremely excited to be connected with all of the awesome people on here

Mark Chapman

For books on the subject try An Actor Prepares and Building Up a Character both by Stanislavski. You may have read these already but always worth a mention! Good luckx

Jona Hitchcock Johnson

Thanks Mark,I appreciate this :)

Mike Trentacosti
Requested by Plattform

I just found out my horror script was requested yesterday. Definitely some good news to start off the day. Many thanks to Joey at Happy Writers and Stage 32 for the opportunity to pitch to these great companies.

Grant Vuille

Any word yet on your horror script? My script is a comedy satire: A zany, fantastic, musical comedy satirizing theme parks & children's entertainment #DoctorGeorgesMagnificentZeppelin

Stage 32 Job Alert
Editor hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Rick Clifford, an Editor from Toronto, Canada was just hired for the project titled "THE CODEX". Congratulations!

Jona Hitchcock Johnson


Raymond H

Congrats Rick, Looking forward to working with you on this!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Visual Effects Supervisor hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Raymond Holycross, a Visual Effects Supervisor from South Bend, Indiana was just hired for the project titled "THE CODEX". Congratulations!

Raymond H

Kathryn, Jona, Kristen, Lawrence, THANK YOU!

Phil Parker

This project looks like fun. Congrats, Ray!

Raymond H

Thank you Phillip!

Virginia Brucker

YES!!! Way to go Raymond--enjoy every bit of it!

Raymond H

Thank you Virginia!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Script Supervisor hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Erica Leon, a Script Supervisor from Toronto, Canada was just hired for the project titled "THE CODEX". Congratulations!

Jona Hitchcock Johnson


Raymond H

Congrats Erica, Looking forward to working with you on this!

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