I find more people call them self screenwriters without any qualifications. I am curious what would qualify some of these people as screenwriters. I didn't start calling myself a screenwriter until I won my first award and writing for a few professional groups in LA. What's your story?
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We cannot survive by our script writing so we choose a rich husband or lover,we work in another profession from 8 to 4,we know that writing is a drug as you said Laurence so beautifully and we pray th...
Expand commentWe cannot survive by our script writing so we choose a rich husband or lover,we work in another profession from 8 to 4,we know that writing is a drug as you said Laurence so beautifully and we pray that our creation will be recognized some day even postmortem and a beautiful book or film will come out of it.This is exactly what an artist do and an artistic creation of all sort is a must for the artist whatever the public thinks of it. IF THE ARTIST IS DISCOVERED BEFORE HE IS DEAD, GREAT.if not it's a pity Continue to paint, sculpt,draw,write otherwise you'll die inside yourself. writing is not a drug which kills but a drug which make you survive beautifully.
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While I'm waiting for my brilliance to be discovered I unload trucks. Most people would have given up by now, but quitting would empty my life.
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Rich lover? Where do I sign up for that program?
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No chance I have already a rich husband and could not decently write and have such active sexual life.I am also 73 and feel quite old at this time of my life. I have missed you dear.sorry.
Philip: I have not seen the Milius documentary on Netflix. I haven't seen anything on Netflix. Don't have an account. But I will attempt to search it out and take a look. John was (and is) one of a kind.