I would like to introduce myself, my name is Jason Armstrong, I've been involved in the entertainment/media world for over 25 years, I've worked anywhere and everywhere from a PA to a grip to a gaffer to a continuity director to script supervisor, writer and producer. I've been repped by both WME and Paradigm, I've had some successes along the way and a whole hell of a lot of failures, I should preface, I also see failures as something that never saw the light of day, however that isn't the appropriate way to view them, I'll explain that new outlook later. I now run my own media agency and took my storytelling and knowledge of film and tv and applied it to the world of brands and the stories they have and want told. I like to believe that I've taken my artistic view and skills and applied it to the corporate world where I've been capable of getting the funding to put projects together and see them come to fruition, which is, as I'm sure most of you can relate, a refreshing change. I haven't had much involvement with Stage 32 but have been a fan since it's launch, I've primarily relied on work through word of mouth and former colleagues and collaborators. The reason for my involvement now and why I'm reaching out through this lounge is because I've recently partnered with a VC and have a project underway which could potentially be an amazing outlet for writers, whether it's stage, tv, film or commercial. The project is titled Spec and it will soon launch once the distribution arms are finalized. Despite no detailed explanation of the project and it's platform (which I'm not permitted to release yet), I am seeking some initial numbers, that being of writers, projects and genres. This will be on a global scale I should mention, so all languages will be permitted and encouraged. What I'm asking of anyone interested is whether they would be willing to not submit their writings just yet, but what scripts they would, if they so desire, put forward. If they could give their names, outline the number of scripts they would submit, their genres, languages and whether they are for television, screen, stage or commercial that would be great! However people feel comfortable contacting me is fine. You can also reach out to me through Stage32, however I would also encourage you to reach out to me through my personal email at jay@gravyentertainment.com. Those initially interested will be briefed in detail and provided with the necessary project information as soon as I'm capable of making it public.
thank you! and I have to say as a writer myself, I'm extremely excited about the project and what it could do for screenwriters!
Is this a hosting site for scripts, like Inktip and Blacklist? Will it be free?
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It is a hosting site, but doesn't operate like Inktip or Blacklist. As of now, submissions will be free and for the foreseeable future, again I apologize for the vagueness, but it will be explained. W...
Expand commentIt is a hosting site, but doesn't operate like Inktip or Blacklist. As of now, submissions will be free and for the foreseeable future, again I apologize for the vagueness, but it will be explained. What I'm seeking now are the rough numbers of those interested in getting involved and the medium and genre behind their potential submissions.
Jason Armstrong Sounds very promising. Keep us updated.
Hey Pamela, the rest of the story will be provided on Stage 32, I just also gave the option of my personal email so people can choose how they wish to send me what medium,genre and how many scripts th...
Expand commentHey Pamela, the rest of the story will be provided on Stage 32, I just also gave the option of my personal email so people can choose how they wish to send me what medium,genre and how many scripts they would consider submitting. Nothing is being disclosed privately over my personal email. The details will be public through anywhere and everywhere as soon as legal has cleared everything.