Matt Tucker's Lounge Discussions

Frankie Gaddo
Lawrence of Arabia - a great influence. What others?

Recently I read the screenplay Lawrence of Arabia over three evenings and watched the film on the fourth. The script is 267 pages. I first saw the film about ten years ago, and to be honest, felt lost. This time I researched the history surrounding it, and also being older, had a much fuller compreh...

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James Drago

Fantastic share Jenny Masterton Thank you

Joe Orlandino

I read "The Big Lebowski"....thought about if for a while, mixed myself another drink and just said, "fuck it man."

Gregory Green

LAWRENCE OF ARABIA is one of my all time favs. The dialogue (used sparingly) written by Robert Bolt is brilliant.

Matt Tucker

Would be remiss not to mention Robert Towne's 'Chinatown,' the script Syd Field references the most in the work he's published on screenwriting. Whatever you think of Field's work, 'Chinatown' is a hell of a script to pull apart and study.

Simon King

LoA is absolutely a go-to for how a story should be told; screenplay or otherwise. Another is Chinatown; the perfect combination of dialogue, action, character, and setting.

Twit-Pitch Logline Feedback.

So, this coming Saturday I'm participating in Twit-Pitch, and I feel I got a doable draft of my 135 character long logline down, but it would be awesome with some feedback from the more experienced people roaming this wonderful site. "In an America ruined by mutated dogs, an ex-assassin searches for...

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Joshua Adams

The problem is that it's limited to 134 characters, so there's really not that much room to go deeper into describing.

Matt Tucker

I'd drop the 'ing' from "rivaling" to make it an "old rival agency". Maybe even drop 'old' or replace with 'once'. " settle the score with a once rival agency." Frees up some characters as well....

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Richard "RB" Botto

The Princess is here! Love it. I will let others chime in, but the first thing I noticed is that it doesn't speak to the challenge the hero faces. When confronted with (this) our hero does (this) only to discover (this)...

Joshua Adams

Thanks a lot for the inputs everyone, very highly appreciated! I'm gonna take all of this into consideration, talk a bit with Miss Princess and hopefully come up with something much better than what I...

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