Sandy Brownlee is a red-head (according to the bottle from Sally’s). She is a wife (according to her husband Denny). She is an actress… she is a writer… she is a “creator.” So what has she “created?” Seven full length radio dramas... eight full-length stage productions... an original screenplay or two… eight original sketch comedy dinner theaters...and co-creator of Discovery Jones, an original children's TV program for The Inspirational Network – to name a few.
From the days of writing and performing drama for her church, and winning the grand prizes in drama for both writing and performance for the Gospel Music Association competition in Estes Park, Colorado, to thirteen years of using her gifts for Family Life, a regional radio network and theater reaching NY and PA, Sandy and husband Denny have lived the creative adventure God has penned for them. Now they have begun another chapter in their lives, in Nashville, Tennessee, working in the areas of film, TV, and music.
Additionally, Sandy has been trained in, and begun work in the newly emerging art form of Transmedia Storytelling. As a pre-computer era college student in pursuit of a degree in the lucrative discipline of …poetry, Sandy was already dreaming of stories that could be told simultaneously through various means – not just words on a page, or pictures on a screen. Fast forward to the hands-on technology of today, and it seems the world has finally caught up to her vision. Sandy is fervent about the creative possibilities awaiting those will to go with her in pursuit of this “New World” of Storytelling, because…
…Sandy’s ultimate passion is to bring laughter and healing through creatively - and sometimes absurdly – expressing the Truth.
And speaking of play, Sandy and her husband Denny play well with others and would love to mix their creative DNA with some willing collaborators. Like you. Imagine the delightful mutations we could create!
Unique traits: I love to laugh - and to make people laugh. I'll even go for a pratfall if the situation calls for it. Oh, and I make jewelry.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Lipscomb University