Tyanna Thompson's Lounge Discussions

Tyanna Thompson
What's Killing Karma?

Step into a gripping world of mystery, suspense, and the pursuit of justice. "What's Killing Karma?" is a spellbinding murder mystery screenplay that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. Delve into the depths of a toxic relationship, as Karma, an African-American woman, finds herself tra...

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Sam Sokolow

Hi Tyannq - this sounds like a gripping story and you’re post pops off the page like an electric Logline. Wishing you huge success with this.

Sean Hill
Good Day....everyone!

Hi everyone, I'm Sean Hill (music & movie producer)....I'm still kind of new on Stage. Happy holidays to you all. Sean Hill www.sean-hill.net

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hello Sean Hill, Your stuff definitely sounds great, I can hear a lot of 90's R&B influences. I grew up on that stuff, so I definitely enjoy it. Your website looks great as well, and you're everywhere...

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Tyanna Thompson

If you are looking for poetry for an act, intro, or background... Here is a small sample. I write about controversial issues (Homelessness,Racism, Peace, LGBT, Religion and even Politics) From Uncenso...

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Tomasz Mieczkowski

Nice share Tyanna. I'm a fan of spoken word. Especially when it's thought provoking as this piece. Cheers and Happy Holidays.

Benjamin Cyrus-Clark
A little bit about me.

Hi, my name is Benjamin and I am the Director at Cyrus-Clark Productions an indie film production company based in Luton. As a writer and head of this production company we are always looking to tell new and interesting stories. Our first feature film Brick City http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2106353/...

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Federico Ferrandina

So I thank you twice

Jeanie Hobgood

Benjamin, hope to have something to show soon. Best to your current projects and have a happy 2016.

Benjamin Cyrus-Clark

Hi Jeanie, thank you so much. I hope you have an amazing and prosperous 2016.

Lynne Forde

Hi all I am Lynne Forde. I am an author, filmmaker and screenwriter. I'm working on documentaries and my Web Series THE GRAY AREA. I have made it to a couple of film festivals and I would like to meet more people to work and network with.

Jeanie Hobgood

Thank you Benjamin.

Jason Leech
Jason Voice Talent

Hello, I'm Jason Leech, I'm a voice talent and audio producer/editor in Fort Wayne, Indiana. If you have the time, take a listen to my demo and tear it apart please, I welcome any criticism. I am going to be updating soon with recent work but my voice is my voice so let me know what you think. I lov...

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Shawn Speake

I checked you out, my friend. Solid work. I'm also a radio-man who worked at POWER92FM in Richmond, VA for 13 years and you sound like you should be on the air right now. Very Pro. Have you thought ab...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Good work, Jason. Great to have you in the community, my friend.

Jason Leech

Thanks Shawn, I appreciate that. I have thought about a meetup but haven't gone through with it yet, my voice work is part time and I'm just now getting to the point in my full time work where I have...

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Tyanna Thompson

Maybe we could link up. I'm a Poet artist and chef.... And I also sing.

Tyanna Thompson
Multi-Talented Artist

I'm a poet, artist, Chef and singer. Currently trying to publish a book. Working on the 3rd poetry book . Please email me for recent poetry and creative dishes that I have sculpted! IntellectualLove@gmail.com 904-405-7313

Tyanna Thompson
Soo... where is everyone

I just started an account and wondering why I'm hearing echos.. most recent post I've seen is dated to sings about a week agooo... Lol, just stopped by to introduce myself. Dusting off my talents like books on grandma's shelf.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Tyanna, we here! Welcome.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Welcome Tyanna. Glad to have you here.

Elisabeth Meier

Hello, Tyanna!

Samantha Anne

Hi Tyanna!! :)

Tshepo David


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