Do you think a gopro hero4 camera is a suitable entry level camera for an indy film maker?
Do you think a gopro hero4 camera is a suitable entry level camera for an indy film maker?
Any advice for young indie artists on filming there first film
Wait until you have a great script, don't rush, and really really really really really really really gasp really really really really like the story. If you love it it'll come out good...and EVEN I LE...
Expand commentWait until you have a great script, don't rush, and really really really really really really really gasp really really really really like the story. If you love it it'll come out good...and EVEN I LEARNED with my first short film One Nation that children are hard to work with, and I'M a child!!!!About half way through I needed my mom to help handle the kids. I'll probably be the best child actor EVER now. Cause now, I totally get it! totally!
Sound and camera.... that's what I look for. #goodluck
Make sure you have very good sound and a great ending in your script
Thanks Raf
Be sure your first film, no matter the budget, conveys your signature as a filmmaker.
After having one script requested (and liked) by ICM, a different one has been requested by Paradigm. My script EXODUS WEST is a big sci fi action adventure. Hope they like it. I guess the key is to have several projects going. Here's hoping one or the other agency likes me enough to sign me in the future!
Congrats! Wonderful news! Yes, I hope they bite!
Congrats and enjoy
Great job and good luck!
Congratulations, Dennis, good luck with the read!
Congratulations Dennis, and best of luck with your projects!
depends on what films you are going to make. I see the question all the time...what is the best camera? I like the answer, "the one you have." But here is a tip. You can rent one for a little money an...
Expand commentdepends on what films you are going to make. I see the question all the time...what is the best camera? I like the answer, "the one you have." But here is a tip. You can rent one for a little money and test drive it to see if it will work for you. Set up a shoot that will be along the lines of what you want to shoot and rent the camera. That works with most any camera that will fall inside your budget. Here is a rental link.
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Think those cams and other action cams are good fit for POV and aerial shots with drones.
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I agree with John
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John right on.. Gopro good for POV action