Member Since:
February 2012
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About Paul

Paul Taylor is the creator of the odd slice-of-supernatural-life comic called Wapsi Square. He was raised on a good dose of Warner Bros. cartoons and scary movies that helped to fuel his already overactive imagination. After spending his post college years substitute teaching and then running a photography studio, Paul took his love of Mythology and his equal parts passion for the cute and the macabre and set out to tell a story. When not working on his full time job of writing and drawing Wapsi Square, Paul can be found running errands with his four year old son or sitting in front of the television, watching a movie with his awesomely cool wife.




  • Wapsi Square Graphic Novel

    Wapsi Square Graphic Novel
    Internet Writter and Artist


  • 2009 Lulu Award for Best Female Character

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