I created a group you may want to check out. Micro-Budget Filmmaker.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/602906946435115/
I created a group you may want to check out. Micro-Budget Filmmaker.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/602906946435115/
It's a pleasure to meet you on Stage 32 Carl
Hi Carl...Thanks for the connection!
Happy to join your network Carl. I'm moving back to NYC in a couple of months so get in touch if you're ever in the Big Apple. Best, Jordan
Hey Carl. Thanks for inviting me to join your network. Love the spacesuit. You sound super talented in art. I think that's awesome. I'm probably the only graphic design wannabe that can't draw. LOL I hope you have a great day.
Thanks for the network request. Feel free to look me up if you're in ILM...
Thanks for the contact, Carl.
Thanks for the invite Carl.
Hello Carl, thank you for the invite!
Thank you for connecting with me! :)
Hi Carl. Thanks for the invite.
Hey, you are from NC too! It's good to be connected with you Carl!
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