Don Warden's Lounge Discussions

Where to look for crew

Hi, I'm an actor and producer looking for a director & crew for my short film, and am wondering (in addition to Stage32), are there sites out there where I can post an ad that I'm seeking crew?

Peggy Nichols

No problem. Let me know when the time is right. Good luck finding your essential people.

Bradley Scott

Where are you filming?

Ayelette Robinson

LA, if I can find the right location. Another option is near Tahoe, to get mountains and cold/winter.

Doug Nelson

Ayelette, seriously, you’re in LA and you can’t find a crew? I’m up here in western Oregon where I really do have a hard time finding actors and crew, but I manage (barely.) You’ve got film schools, a...

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Stephan Roux

Call the local/nearest film Commision (provided they have one where you shoot). They will be able to help you with locations and crew/vendors list.

Sean Lovelady
Sean Lovelady CUE 3 PRODUCTIONS owner.

I am going to ask a question you may say Not that one again!!! KEY LIGHT Camera left or camera right? A guy online was saying he was told in a workshop that it should be camera left. Sooo... I tried it but ended up with some weird shadows. could have been a weird reflection from my reflector or some...

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Don Warden

the answer is there is no set rule. A lot depends on style. so yes no maybe

Hayward Crawford

I have to agree with most of the answers above, it varies to the degree of the mood you plan to capture. There is also a technique known as a "kicker" light that often applies toward the back of subje...

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Chad McClellan

For interviews usually the key is on the right side. Fill should be left. Our eyes draw to the bright areas of a picture and since we read left to right this is more natural Just as others said there...

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Royce Allen Dudley

The key can come from ANYWHERE, period... otherwise, how would anyone ever have eyeline to screen left ? Now if the key in let's say an interview comes from the Right and the subject is framed primari...

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Rakesh Malik

For interviews the key light and camera should be on the same side... unless you're intentionally something something else with your lighting, i.e. if they're not the protagonist in your story... They...

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Aaron Greer
Don Warden

Don Warden 931 w. 35thpl Chicago Il 60609 gaffer dp Work Experience: Event Creative A/V & lighting tech for...

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