Hey guys/gals last 3 days of Kickstarter project! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quo/projectq-run-any-os-the-unique-m...
Hey guys/gals last 3 days of Kickstarter project! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quo/projectq-run-any-os-the-unique-m...
Hey everyone we are on kickstarter. All you video guys will love this... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quo/projectq-run-any-os-the-unique-m......
Expand postHey everyone we are on kickstarter. All you video guys will love this... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quo/projectq-run-any-os-the-unique-m...
To see our upcoming systems for After Effects, FCP, Premiere, Red http://facebook.com/quocomputer
If you need production workstations http://facebook.com/quocomptuer
Hey Courtney nice to meet you. If you need production Workstation running Mac OS X take a look at http://facebook.com/quocomputer
Joel thanks for the connection. We build custom system that run Mac, Windows, LInux - please like us on FB as well http://facebook.com/quocomputer
Hey guys and gals let me know if your using any cool Thunderbolt devices. What do you guys expect from Thunderbolt technology. Let us know we are thinking of launching some hardware.
hey Robin, nice to meet you. Let me know if you need hardware for Red, FCP or Premiere. Take a look at http://facebook.com/quocomputer We build some amazing rigs for Video Editors
Hi Kristopher, nice to meet you. Let me know if you need hardware for Red, FCP or Premiere. Take a look at http://facebook.com/quocomputer
Hey Branded, thx for the invite. We build custom systems for Final Cut Pro, Avid, Premiere, Smoke - we have a new motherboard we are launching http://facebook.com/qucomputer - please like and share
Thanks for adding me into your network Rashantha and i'll check out the link.
Hi we build the fastest Mac OSX, Win - workstations. We will be launching our own motherboard with thunderbolt. We also have DIT stations for rent. What would you guys want in a DIT station? Let us know - follow us on http://facebook.com/quocomputer for more details on this revolutionary motherboard...
Expand postHi we build the fastest Mac OSX, Win - workstations. We will be launching our own motherboard with thunderbolt. We also have DIT stations for rent. What would you guys want in a DIT station? Let us know - follow us on http://facebook.com/quocomputer for more details on this revolutionary motherboard.
Hi Shaun. Thx for the invite. We produced high end Mac OS X/Windows workstations. We are also launching our own motherboard http://facebook.com/quocomputer that has thunderbolt on it.
Hey Matt. Thx for the invite. We produced high end Mac OS X stations for video editors. We are also launching our own motherboard http://facebook.com/quocomputer
Hi Renato. Thx for the invite. We produced high end Mac OS X stations for video editors. We are also launching our own motherboard http://facebook.com/quocomputer
I am a very big computer geek, I have a custom build PC that can do most everything I could ever need. It has all CS6 and some plug-ins on it. So down to the question, What do you use Mac or PC, and Why?
there are a few ways to encode QT PRORES on PCs. For example: http://www.miraizon.com/products/codecsoverview.html http://www.fallenempiredigital.com/blog/2012/06/06/encoding-apple-prores... http://ww...
Expand commentthere are a few ways to encode QT PRORES on PCs. For example: http://www.miraizon.com/products/codecsoverview.html http://www.fallenempiredigital.com/blog/2012/06/06/encoding-apple-prores... http://www.cinemartin.com/cinec/
There is also a ProRes converter app that only runs on PC called cliptoolz converter. The web site is www.cliptoolz.com
Thanks for the invitation, Omar. Great to meet you at Stage 32! :)
Hey guys just wanted to let you know we are launching a motherboard that can run Mac OS X natively. This is the first custom motherboard ever made to do so. For more details like us at http://facebook.com/quocomputer We are also now building custom Premiere stations on the windows side 16 core syste...
Expand postHey guys just wanted to let you know we are launching a motherboard that can run Mac OS X natively. This is the first custom motherboard ever made to do so. For more details like us at http://facebook.com/quocomputer We are also now building custom Premiere stations on the windows side 16 core systems that are incredible.
Hi Rashantha, my apologies for the late response.. I have been out of the country.. We use Pro Tools.
Hey Rashantha, we recently added the ability for users to subscribe to Lounge topics. To get you started, we've automatically subscribed you to the production topic. You can see the latest posts in your subscribed topics by clicking the My Lounge subscriptions tab on your wall. You can easily add and update Lounge subscriptions by clicking Manage my subscriptions from the same page. Enjoy!...
Expand postHey Rashantha, we recently added the ability for users to subscribe to Lounge topics. To get you started, we've automatically subscribed you to the production topic. You can see the latest posts in your subscribed topics by clicking the My Lounge subscriptions tab on your wall. You can easily add and update Lounge subscriptions by clicking Manage my subscriptions from the same page. Enjoy!