Michael Walter

Michael Walter

CEO at Walter Entertainment llc
Actor, Author, Fight Director, Director, Producer and Voice Actor

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Member Since:
March 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Michael

Through twenty-five years of physical and emotional brawling, he dealt with the pain of his own childhood abuse and tried to mend his broken relationship with his only daughter...


Michael Walter, former MMA fighter (Mixed Martial Arts), is known industry-wide as one of the most capable stunt coordinators, stunt man and stunt instructors around. He has performed feats of strength, feats of visual amazement and feats of physical danger before rolling movie cameras, and he has mastered many styles of physical combat and discipline. His tactics, business practices, and interpersonal dealings have won over some of the biggest names before the cameras, behind the cameras and in the dojos.

Getting there has been a rocky road for Michael. Many have stated that their lives would make a great movie. The difference between those people and Michael is that his life really would make a great movie, and much of his amazing and triumphant story is told in Face The Fire: The Michael Walter Story.




  • ANOTHER IN THE FIRE " True faith based story"

    ANOTHER IN THE FIRE " True faith based story" Budget: $10M - $30M | Action LOGLINE A true story of a Hollywood stuntman who overcomes seemingly * insurmountable obstacles with help from the most unexpected place.Just when you think you are alone in this world, there  is “Another in the Fire.” 


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