Short teaser by Turkmeni filmmaker Vilmos Pahlavi, also known as the "Butcher of Balkanabat" for his crude filmmaking techniques and his heavy-handed treatment of his actors and crew.
Outrageous, often hilarious documentary about one of the most notorious and infamous filmmakers in the history of American cinema: Herschell Gordon Lewis--the "godfather of gore."
English-language trailer created for the Russian film series, "Sherlock Holmes & Doctor Watson."
Impressionist film created frame-by-frame from damaged,unidentified home movie footage of a carnival in the 1960s. Each frame was duplicated twice and blended with the preceding and successive frames, creating a dreamlike quality.
Experimental animation depicting controversial media personality Glenn Beck's reaction to the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Short animated teaser created for a proposed web series, "Our Lady of Hollywood & Vine," with Jacqi Bowe, Robert Babish, and Cristen Irene. Music by Ergo Phizmiz with Mark Upton.
Short experimental animation. Royalty-free music track "Bluewater" from