Brief Compilation of my freelance work. Edited by Alex Gasparetto
A man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably, the man who respects it has earned it -Ayn Rand. Music by Patrick Slattery Written, Edited & Directed by Hayward Crawford
Decided to make my vision of the opening credits to one of my favorites shows, The Walking Dead for fun. With Season 4 commencing on October 13th, 2013, I decided to craft the signature sequence based on my knowledge of the comics and the upcoming direction of the show. Created with Final Cut Pro 7.
This was a video contest submission to the 2013 Bridgestone Teens Drive Smart Contest. Each 30-55 second video is rated in how it highlights the importance of smart teen driving. Each submission is judged on quality of production, creativity, and the overall effective message. Shot on the Canon T3i. Edited by Hayward Crawford
Brief compilation of recent freelance work. Edited by Hayward Crawford