Dru Holley's Lounge Discussions

Ashley Stone
Still Waiting - Anyone Else?

Hello! I submitted a written pitch to the "Big Dogs" pitchfest a few weeks back and am still waiting for a response. It was my first experience with a pitchfest so I don't know the typical wait times or how they go about processing written pitches. I know Joey mentioned in the pitchfest webinar that...

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David Levy

E mail Joey to get a staus report on your script.

Dru Holley

I don't get the pitch process, what do I have to do a verb pitch or what?

Ashley Stone

Tony, I'm not sure what you mean by semaphore. Could you elaborate?

Dru Holley

I don't get the pitch process, what do I have to do a verb pitch or what?

David Levy

It depends where you plan on pitching. If you are talking about through the Happy Writers then you could verbally or submit a written pitch. There are even WEBINARS in the EDUCATION section on pitching and Joey does some great free ones to go over pitching and how you should craft your pitch.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Let's get back to the thread topic please. Thanks. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks for mentioning the webinars, David. :) Dru, here is a link to a webinar that may be of interest to you: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/The-Secret-To-Becoming-A-Pitching-Ace. Also, Joey Tuccio...

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Tony Fisher
Adobe or Avid

Hello all, Im in the process of exploring the various editing programs that are available. The two main ones I have been looking at has been Adobe première and Avid. I have been given the impression that the industry is moving more towards using adobe although I cant find hard evidence to support th...

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Rafael Pinero

It's more stable and powerful.

Eric Lau

I am reading all the comments and seriously, each tool have their strength and weakness and there is no "one tool to rule them all" sort of thing anymore unlike 5 or 10 years back. I totally agree wit...

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Tony Fisher

Hello Robin, thanks for your input. Lots of useful information and plenty to think about.

Dru Holley

FCP homie!!!

Colin Holmes

I came to editing from a design background, moving from Illustrator and Photoshop into motion graphics. Started with FCP and found that Premier and After Effects are a easier to use combination. Adobe...

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Dru Holley

Should I change my title from "Off The Strip" to "Surviving Vegas"

Anthony Moore

Unfortunately you haven't provided enough information to make an accurate assessment. A logline or synopsis would provide at least some guidance as to what your screenplay is about.

Dru Holley

SYNOPSIS: Three strippers work the club scene and live their lives as locals. Lisa, Miley and Jasmine's lives are all connected with the criminal activity of an Hispanic drug lord, Miguel, and his son...

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Pierre Langenegger

That's up to you, which one fo you prefer?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Between the two, "Surviving Vegas" has more of an emotional engaging quality. Whereas "Off the Strip" sounds a bit "off the cuff" too hammy, too "reality TV-ish" perhaps? But, I completely agree, it's...

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Dru Holley

Why have we decided to use Stage 32. We all have different agendas? Mine is to blow up this film thang.( Be really good at writing Directing and editing. That's why I'm here on "another website", why are you here?

David A. Melendez

Really for me its all about connecting...so many people on here #blowupthisfilmthang

Bryan Yeater

Connecting. But also to introduce others to more cinema outside of Hollywood, to introduce others to the value of film studies, because I think that's more valuable than learning from trends. In fact,...

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David A. Melendez

Agreed Bryan

Dru Holley
Help with rewrite

Anybody can give me a i need opinion?LOok pass the language.

Screenplay Requested

My first pitch and my Screenplay was requested by Rachel Weiss at IPG! Thanks Joey and crew for the opportunity! Also, if you're hesitant to pitch like I was, don't be... Good things can happen!

Shawn Speake


Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Jonathan!

Jonathan Floyd

Thank you all for the support!

Laurie Kehoe


Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Good Job Jonathan! Well done. Good luck with the project. Pens Up!

J.E. Fishman
Script Request

Nice to have my FLY BY script requested by Benderspink.

Eric Westlake

That's great news, JE. All my best.

Dru Holley

My script is the grittiest with going over the top. Plz do yourself myself and your production company. The opportunity for GOLD.Don't just take my word for it take a quick look.

Marcia Chandler Rhea

Congrats! Wonderful news! I hope they will not only like your script, but love it!

Emma J Steele

Congratulations, J.E.!

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Congrats J.E. Well done. Good luck! Pens Up!

Michael Arscott
Screenplay genres

I'm curious. What is the genre of the last screenplay you completed?

MB Stevens

Dramedy. Onward and upward.

Amanda Michel

A feel-good drama, which is not my usual.

Harry Loeffler-Bell

Scifi-Horror . . . for kids!

B A Mason

Every Genre - that's right, I went there.

Lisa Knight

TV hour-long dramady.

C. D-Broughton
The fad of "strong female characters"

I honestly don't get it. I write my female characters the same way I always have: as good as I can make them - which is the same way I write my male characters. I don't know if it's because of all the praise heaped upon Joss Whedon, but I've seen a lot of people almost obsess over how to write women...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Yeah, sorry, that's a pretty lame answer for no female Minions. It's a blatant disservice disguised in some grand-gesture compliment. An ostensible reason for laziness. They purposely ignored an entir...

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Cherie Grant

Have to agree with you Beth. It's patronising to the core.

Michael Eddy

Beth - must say that I agree with you. I didn't say it was a good answer - just an answer. I imagine he meant it to be complimentary - but he came off as merely flip and condescending. I'm sure he's l...

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Michael Eddy

And Jim J. - if you haven't already - try watching ORPHAN BLACK - you want a bevy of strong female characters? Newly Emmy-nommed Tatiana Maslany plays 7 of 'em - all by herself (and there's even a male character in the mix as well - also played by TM).

Robert Graphik

Oddly enough the same idea iirritates me in comic books, "I wanted to put forth a strong female character as none existed before I thought of it." I'm sure we can all think of at least one superheroine? Its a silly world whatcha gonna do?

Dru Holley

Help me Screenwriting in the Lounge, i need a reader.

Craig D Griffiths
Anyone interested in getting their script read?

I am thinking of starting a site/group where you can get your script read and notes supplied for free as long as you are willing to do the same for others. Am I wasting my time or is it worth my effort to get it started? What is everyone's opinion? Thanks in advance.

Dru Holley

@ Beth thanks

Michael Markham

Sounds like an awesome. It could either go really well, or fail miserably. Sounds like a proposition worth trying.

Victor Titimas

There are such communities such as Talentville or Triggerstreet where you get free screenplay feed-back, if you, in turn, review someone else's script...I'm just saying this so you could think differe...

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

waited this long... i guess the site is running now... what is the link add?

Craig D Griffiths

Thanks Victor. I couldn't find this type of site. If you search coverage in Google all you get is paid consultants. Nearly all state that they are readers for studios or producers (but can't say who)....

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Dru Holley

Does the hero have to away win in the END?

Bryan Yeater

Andrew, I agree. And I believe this is a means to get the audience to feel empathy for the character. Empathy building, to me is another important element to scripts. I've been developing my own perso...

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Michael Arscott

Even in tragedy, it's important for the protagonist to have some kind of victory. See Braveheart or Spartacus. They may be captured, betrayed, gutted, etc., but something else happens that makes their...

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Bryan Yeater

Steven, you are too kind! If I am ever in a position to take you up on your dinner offer, I will! Thank you! And as you now know, I'm a student of screenwriting too. Having auteur aspirations, I need...

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Andrew Martin Smith

Unfortunately - I have concluded over they years - as Bryan has said - that the Hollywood film industry (and by association the Hollywood screenplay writing industry) - is all about ticking boxes and...

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Bryan Yeater

Andrew, well said. And I want to thank everyone for the invigorating discussion!

Dru Holley

It has been explained to me that "Hollywood" frowns upon the way I explain women in my story? If they are twerking I not going to "say she is dancing Passionately. She's TWERKING. Another Thing to describe with a voluptuous ass, instead of a juicy ass. Is that wrong of me or Nah?

D Marcus

"Hollywood" isn't one gigantic entity that feels and acts with one brain. "Hollywood" may seem to act with one voice but that one voice is profit. Whoever explained to you that "Hollywood" frowns upon...

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Dru Holley

Twerking is super relevant, its what some women do, Its a dance. But saying she has a juicy ass might be a little much, @Sean Curvy knockout sounds a lot better.

Dru Holley

@Leona, CJ and DiPietra you're right I do need to explain women better except for the way they look, but how?

Leona McDermott

Hi Dru There’s a great site called Whatascript - http://www.whatascript.com/index.html Tons of helpful, non nonsense tips. Here’s the section on writing characters. http://www.whatascript.com/fictiona...

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Dru Holley

@Leona you're right there's so to learn to with this, this site is good thank you.

Gavin D Walsh
Writing your screenplay!

Hey guys, I am just curious about how you guys write yours. Tony Gilroy says that he always writes the dialogue first. How many of you can relate to this? And what is your reason behind it? Do you find this technique easier for some reason? Or... Do any of you guys write all the action first, and th...

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Gavin D Walsh

Hi there, Nkosi. Thank you very much for your response to my thread. I am a very thoughtful guy. Although I believe this does bring issues at times, lol. All I do, no matter what I'm doing, is think....

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Andrew Martin Smith

Wrong side of the pond Gavin - wash your mouth out with soap. But seriously guys there is a lot more to film making than Hollywood. Out there is a whole world of cinema and it's a damn sight easier to...

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Gavin D Walsh

My apologies, Andrew, lol. I know there is more to the world of film making. It is just something I have always thought. Very little opportunity in Wales while having to work a full time job and do th...

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Michael Eddy

Gavin - good luck with the lottery. That said - cardinal rule: Never put your own money in the movie. That's what the studios are for. And Andrew - agree with you wholeheartedly on world cinema. Just...

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Gavin D Walsh

Thank you, Leon! :)

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
How do you feel when you complete a screenplay?

Every time I finish writing a screenplay, I always have a certain, lovely, if not indescribable feeling. Today, I had that pleasurable sensation. I just finished a new limited location thriller called "Purgatory Station". On a creative level, it presented me with many challenges. So after a few days...

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Michael Eddy

Andrew - have you ever thought of getting up once every hour, sitting on the egg and seeing if something hatches? I wonder - with the generation of kids that is growing up texting 24/7 - whether the future will bring humans with no fingers - just two enormous opposable thumbs.

Marc Sigoloff

I feel a sense of loss.

Doug Nelson

Dan; a great idea! I retired from my day job years ago and took up film production in the (then) emerging DSLR world as a hobby. Now I own my own little-bitty production company – I work when, and wit...

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Shane M Wheeler

Sometimes, I feel elation, sometimes I feel satisfied, sometimes I feel surprised it got done so fast, but lately, I feel like I've just won a major battle, only to see another army marching over the hill with flags emblazoned "Revision".

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Finished another script today. Started this one back in February and because of the dark subject matter, I wasn't feeling it at the time. So, I came back to it three weeks ago, hit the groove and wrot...

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Dru Holley
Allow me to reintroduce myself My name is DRU!

If anyone can come up with a better script then all give you Five big ones!

Preston Poulter

Mine is one my profile if you want to take a look.

Dru Holley

I have the Hottest Script sense Pulp Fiction,The hangover and Tarffic rolled up in one. I should not have to pitcher this. Its like pitching ice-cream. Wake up people and look beyond yourself pride and and take a F- look!

Dru Holley
I have the Hottest Script sense Pulp Fiction,The hangover and Tarffic rolled up in one. I should not have to pitcher this. Its like pitching ice-cream. Wake up people and look beyond yourself pride and and take a F- look!

I have the Hottest Script sense Pulp Fiction,The hangover and Tarffic rolled up in one. I should not have to pitcher this. Its like pitching ice-cream. Wake up people and look beyond yourself pride and and take a F- look!

Dru Holley
Do you want to succeed?!

don't mean to sound arrogant, but I am serious. My screenplay is a Oscars Winner!! DON'T take my word for it look at the logline than the coverage and then you'll see what I'm say is Legit! Do not miss out, because you will regret it!!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Dru, this is Beth from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Development to Your Stage, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Dru Holley

No Beth Its not woking as well now

Beth Fox Heisinger

"Your Stage" is the place to shine the light on yourself -- posting loglines or anything else you'd like to solicit or promote. This section is for self-promotion. Whereas other sections are for topic...

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Dru Holley

Yeah paid, I've paid enough I need a real read

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