The Bee Girl Enigma Sci-fi In a post-apocalyptic orphanage, a rebellious teenage beekeeper fights to rescue an infant, abducted on her watch by marauding android bees who use children for genetic experiments.
Arizona Chaser Action ⋄ Drama ⋄ Family A failed country singer enlists her law-enforcement brother to retrieve her son, an app-struck gamer who’s been lured into Arizona by his cyberthief father.
Search for the Blue Heron Action ⋄ Crime ⋄ Drama An LAPD Air Support officer struggles to rescue his son, who's entangled with a nasty Asian drug cartel, while fighting his instincts not to team up with a former war buddy, who is the boy's biological father.
Traylinda: Terminating Angel (supernatural TV series) When a slain cyber reporter is brought back to life as a she-wolf by a rogue angel, she must keep her identity hidden from her partner who believes his father was slaughtered by a supernatural entity. It's X-Files meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. PILOT: THE SPIRIT OF THE INCUBUS.