The second trailer of my upcoming feature film "The last drop"
The second trailer of my upcoming feature film "The last drop"
The first trailer of my new feature film!
Die Dreharbeiten zum "Tropfen" wurden beendet!
Das Fass ist voll. Rainer ist der letzte Tropfen. Ein Film über einen Menschen, der glaubt die Welt zur Ordnung rufen zu müssen.
Danke fürs adden...!
Danke fürs adden...!
Nice 2 meet u!
watsup ,checkout our new video, dedicated to Phillip PacMan Chbeeb , dancer from So You Think You Csn Dance season 3,4,5 Step Up 4 and leader of ABDC6 winners IaMmE Crew. follow us on twitter: @TheeRealJR - @JustinJayWhite1...
Expand postwatsup ,checkout our new video, dedicated to Phillip PacMan Chbeeb , dancer from So You Think You Csn Dance season 3,4,5 Step Up 4 and leader of ABDC6 winners IaMmE Crew. follow us on twitter: @TheeRealJR - @JustinJayWhite1
Hi Marc! Greetings from Berlin! Robert
Hallo Matthias! Auf gutes Netzwerken! Grüße aus Berlin! Lg Robert Easiest sound guy to work with in LA and San Diego
Hi there! I wanted to share my new musicvideo with all of you. Its a modern, jazzversion of Smoke on the Water and some cool german actors joined us. Would be glad if you drop a comment! Thanks! Greeting from Berlin Robert
Hallo Ramiro! Danke fürs adden! Auf gutes netzwerken! :)
Super.. vielleicht irgendwann!!!.. machst gut!!
Danke fuer die connection (manche Woerter klingen auf Deutsch einfach nicht so gut ;)). Hab mir gerade den Trailer fuer The Last Gulag angeschaut - sieht echt interessant aus. Film ist einfach ein super Medium fuer Bildung und ich bin mir sicher dass ich von The Last Gulag viel lernen kann. Freu mich drauf! Liebe Gruesse und viel Erfolg, Olivia
I would like to introduce myself: I am berlin-based Writer and Director and new in this community. I´m looking forward to get connected with all of you interesting filmmaking people around here! Here is a teaser of my current project: its a short documentary about the one and only Gulag-Museum in Pe...
Expand postI would like to introduce myself: I am berlin-based Writer and Director and new in this community. I´m looking forward to get connected with all of you interesting filmmaking people around here! Here is a teaser of my current project: its a short documentary about the one and only Gulag-Museum in Perm, Russia. Let me know what you think about. if you want to know more, you can find some stuff here: Greetings from Berlin! Robert
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Great Emotions!