Tye Tyson

Tye Tyson


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
March 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Tye

After a foray as an agented novelist, I've developed a taste for white space.

I write movie screenplays in two genres (mostly); Historical Drama/Thriller and Dramedy.

When I'm not writing, I'm getting drooled on by my Great Dane and wishing I was writing.


Unique traits: OCD. Yes, that means I watch shows on repeat. It also means I am HYPER-FOCUSED on my projects.




  • New Addition

    New Addition Budget: $5M - $10M | Comedy An incompetent handyman cuts corners to finish building his home in time for Christmas. When his family arrives, they bring a newly adopted and troublesome brother from Russia.


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