Older actor trying to get back into the business as an acting coach. Studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and privately (4 1/2 years) with Hollywood actor Grant Williams. Appeared in Baby Blue Marine with Jan Michael Vincent, MTV Parental Control, Carnegie Hall "From Jail to Jungle", Off Broadway productions, "Time of Your Life, Little Moon over Alban, "Death Knocks". Currently teaching method acting and producing acting reels for actors, singers and dancers at my studio "The Actors Training Studio" in Anaheim, CA. I will be appearing in two independant films produced and directed by Brian Guardiloa from Familiar Moon Cinema. Release date TBA.
Unique traits: Character Development Audition technique
Malevolent Desire
Film (short)
by Familiar Moon Cinema
Serial Killer Grandfather
Parental Control
by MTV
That 80's Musical
by David Seagrave Production
Death Knocks
by South Coast Repretory
N.Y. Jewish Store Owner
Little Moon Over Alban
by Off Broadway
Patch Keegan
Time of Your Life
by Off Broadway
Baby Blue Marine
by Aaron Spelling Productons
Fellow Marine
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
Grant Williams (retired actor)
Warner Brothers Film Actors Workshop
South Coast Repretory