Sonyo Estavillo: Content creator, producer and screenwriter in Redondo Beach, California.

London Screenwriters Festival

A scene from one of screenplays is being read at the table read for the above in October - is anyone else going to this year's festival?

James Lee Stanley

no, i am in holland til the 13th and then san francisco til the 18th of november.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

We MIGHT be going (there are still tickets available) but our schedule isn't completely clear yet, so we'll have to see.

Sonyo Estavillo

I wish I could! I am in the U.S. I haven't been to London. I think I'm the only U.S. citizen I know that have yet to visit.

David Merritt II

New Director here to meet innovative, passionate artists. Shooting a new psychological thriller on a studio lot this month.

Sonyo Estavillo

Hello David, nice to meet you. Where is the lot? Los Angeles? Which lot? I love psychological thrillers!

Kimberly Britt
Old dog needing a new trick

Hey, everyone. My name's Kim and I'm new here (well, I joined last month but am only now feeling my way around). I've been writing for a while now. I have one imdb credit and a few ghostwriting assignments under my belt, but things have gone quite stagnant as of late, so I joined this site hoping it...

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Kimberly Britt

Trust me, if I had the money to produce it myself, I would be out looking for cast and crew instead of a producer. I look forward to one day having that luxury.

Richard Willett

Kim, I've written about "difficult" subject matter, too. With me it's disabled anti-heroes and also gay characters. One of my disability scripts made it to the Top 50 of the Nicholl, and I even option...

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JD Hartman

Advertise in "Jobs", Mandy dot com, Backstage, etc. for a Producer. Maybe it not "lack of balls", but commercial viability of the subject matter.

Sonyo Estavillo
Open to Networking & Collaborating

Hello, my name is Sonyo Estavillo I consider myself a content creator, producer, and writer. I am also a videographer and video editor. I have worked on all aspects of production from pre-production through post. I am always interested in new opportunities, and always open to networking and collabor...

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Sonyo Estavillo

Jacques DuLong -That's great that you are in Manhattan Beach! We are neighbors! I'll definitely check out your link. We should chat over coffee sometime, we're so close in proximity to one another!

Sonyo Estavillo

Kevin Doy Burton- It's all about networking! Glad you reached out to me. How is Wisconsin? I think it's great that there are so many people on here from all over. Just keep writing and keep networking!

Debbie Elicksen

Sonyo, I have three books traditionally published. I've also worked on over 200 books: editing, ghostwriting, and project managing to print.

Sonyo's network

Stefano Simondo
Rinat Yulushev
William Long
Rayner Guerra
Sammy & Kenny Bates
Jess Waters
Timothy Pepper
Lennon River
Makaria Elixabete
Tim Beck
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