This is my sound reel of Films, Web Series, Documentaries and other things I've worked on. Please contact me if you have need of a skilled Production Sound Recorder. I also have a full 5.1 Studio available for you, as well as Orchestral Composing Skills. IMDB -
Final Scene for the Feature film "The Ascent" . Full Strings kick in about 1 min in.
Idea for the 30 min short Horror film SEER. Ultimately we went another way with the music so this one didn't find a home.
For the feature Film "The Ascent". This bit of music wound up not getting used.
Music from the 30 min Horror short SEER.
For the Horror Short SEER. This scene was cut so the music didn't get used.
Closing Credits music for the 30 minute horror short SEER, which premiered at ComicCon 2016 and played at multiple film festivals.
Full Score for Post-Apocalyptic Short Film that premiered at ComicCon 2017. Full orchestra kicks in around 5:20
Music idea for the Feature Film The Ascent. It was a proof of concept only and ultimately not used.