Liam Leddy

Liam Leddy

Member Since:
August 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Liam

I first thought of writing seriously in late 2002 It had been a lifelong desire Unfortunately I had spent an awful long time ignoring that desire. My main working career I therefore spent as a ferrous /non-ferrous metal salesman and towards the end of that I had my own steelstock/ semi-precious metals business.
Learning a lesson from that I have spent even more time and put more effort into my writing. It`s truly a labour of love.
My books available on Barnes & noble Amazon Createspace and Authorhouse for print.
Kindle Smashwords Kobo Mobi Barnes & Noble Nook and many more outlets for E-books

Unique traits: Glasgow Scotland UK.Novelist/short story writer Now finishing 3rd novel. 7 short story collections Novels 60`s era Glasgow crime fiction. Short stories on various subjects All same writing style Twists turns totally unforeseen endings



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