I have the opportunity to teach cinematography to high school students and I've come here for the best advice. If you had to teach someone what you know about filmmaking and all its substrata, what are the 5 essential elements you'd want them to know?
Preparation is key. Time spent in good, thorough prep saves both time, energy & money in production. Scripting, storyboarding, communicating & organizing as much as possible so the film is well define...
Expand commentPreparation is key. Time spent in good, thorough prep saves both time, energy & money in production. Scripting, storyboarding, communicating & organizing as much as possible so the film is well defined before shooting starts, this gives the whole crew cast a strong connection to the movie and it's essence. The importance of good storytelling - the power of what to show as well as not to show, how to show, etc Using Lighting to create atmosphere. Don't rely on just visuals but the use of sound, dialogue, music to enhance the experience. Composition and top mistakes to avoid when setting up shots. Different shooting styles and complimentary editing styles. I would also suggest watching some Classic Movies that show amazing and inspiring cinematography. If not whole films, influential clips. Tell them not to be afraid to experiment and innovate with ideas. Be cinematic, cinema is bold and needs to fill a screen, with either visuals, characters, feeling or story. The importance of working as a team, being open and flexible as well as the focus to stick to the essence of the film. Also get them talking about their favourite movies and scenes and what they loved about them and how a film spoke to them and try to get them to define the elements which moved and inspired them, then help them bring out these elements in their own work. There is nowt so powerful than inspiration and passion when starting out in film and when a group of people come together to make an idea manifest, it can be one of the most amazing experiences for both the makers and viewers. :)
Aaron - The Five C's of Cinematography: Motion Picture Filming Techniques [Paperback] by Joseph V. Mascelli
Thanks for the update Ira
Jen, what a comprehensive response...extremely informative and quite inline with what & how I teach.
I have been conducting a Movie Camp for a group of children and have taught kids in the Cook Islands and India about movie making. Here is a link to a movie I made on how to make movies. http://www.yo...
Expand commentI have been conducting a Movie Camp for a group of children and have taught kids in the Cook Islands and India about movie making. Here is a link to a movie I made on how to make movies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_aVL_3Z2W4