Angela Peete

Angela Peete

Ampdnetwork and Publishings at Ampdnetwork and Publishings
Screenwriter, Producer and Author

Detroit, Michigan

Member Since:
September 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Angela

Angela Peete is a freelance writer, Playwright and Author in Detroit , Michigan originally from
Baltimore, MD, . Born in Baltimore raised in Nigeria for four years and finally settling in
Michigan, Angela is an avid traveler and an Bible enthusiast,and after working in many fields
Angela took a leap of faith to begin her journey as a Playwright doing Dinner Theatres
inMaryland, Virginia and New York in the early 90’s; and now currently residing in Michigan
where she continued from doing Dinner Theatre to writing numerous Plays for her Church she
embarked upon a career as a Freelance writer with the LA Examiner and an Author of her first
children’s book the ABC of Safety : Abduction Safety. She has garnered a following of many from
her Plays to her new new journey as a Producer with her company AMPd Network and
Publishings, LLC .




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