The great tales of Africa meet the great literatures of the world: that is how this YA novel can be described. Can one imagine a situation in which the setting for The Little Prince becomes a setting for yet a narrative, and the Groke of the Moomin tales becomes a protagonist in an apocalyptic war?
The great tales of of Africa meet the great literatures of the world: that is how this YA novel can be described. Can one imagine a situation in which the setting for The Little Prince becomes a setting for yet a narrative, and the Groke of the Moomin tales becomes a protagonist in an apocalyptic war? In plot movement, the animals journey from Africa to the Arctic circle to visit one of their friends there, but they find him buried in ice. Something terrible has happened to him and is about...
The great tales of Africa meet the great literatures of the world: that is how this YA novel can be described. Can one imagine a situation in which the setting for The Little Prince becomes a setting for yet a narrative, and the Groke of the Moomin tales becomes a protagonist in an apocalyptic war?
The great tales of Africa meet the great literatures of the world: that is how this YA novel can be described. Can one imagine a situation in which the setting for The Little Prince becomes a setting for yet a narrative, and the Groke of the Moomin tales becomes a protagonist in an apocalyptic war?
The great tales of Africa meet the great literatures of the world: that is how this YA novel can be described. Can one imagine a situation in which the setting for The Little Prince becomes a setting for yet a narrative, and the Groke of the Moomin tales becomes a protagonist in an apocalyptic war? In plot movement, the animals journey from Africa to the Arctic circle to visit one of their friends there, but they find him buried in ice. Something terrible has happened to him and is about to...
SANCTUARY OF AUTHENTICITY: THE ANGELS TUNING FORK screenplay XI The Life of Friar & Poet Thomas of Celano: 13 Centuries after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Thomas writes a poem about Judgement Day as he writes hagiographies about the life of Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, informally named as Francesco, an Italian Catholic friar, deacon and preacher.
LOULIAS' BUNKER by John E. WordSlinger The World's at War again, Climate has changed the planet. Loulia's flawed but a virgin, and has taken her life along with humanity to a new level. She is a new Eve, along with her side kick Lucie Lilly, and Earth is far from a garden or a paradise.
MY POETIC BODY LANGUAGE: STARKILL BOOK TRAILER by John E. WordSlinger (BOOK AVAILABLE SOON) ~ A poetry story, and interrogation, a battle.