I'm originally from New Brunswick, 19 years old and I'm searching for career advice. I am intrigued by music, theatre, art, design, photography, poetry, literature, almost anything. I've been improving my writing and my art skills and I'm currently in the process of writing a graphic novel I'd like...
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Welcome Skye!
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Welcome Skye! I'm a comic book writer as well (among other things). Happy to help if you have questions on that subject! You can also find tons of advice in our various lounges - I spend plenty of my...
Expand commentWelcome Skye! I'm a comic book writer as well (among other things). Happy to help if you have questions on that subject! You can also find tons of advice in our various lounges - I spend plenty of my time in Screenwriting. Stage 32 also offers a huge variety of Education online from tons of working industry professionals, so be sure to give it a look: https://www.stage32.com/education?affid=MHW. Feel free to message me with any questions!
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Welcome ;)
Thanks !!