How many editors here on this forum uses professional DAW's for their post work. My favorite that I own and use it Magix Sequoia/Samplitude. I also use Reaper from time to time when my clients delivery format needs to be in WEBM. I write and compose in Reason, Ableton Live, and Sampltude on PC and L...
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Sony Vegas Pro with plugins - Izotope's Nectar and RX2, Zynaptiq's Unveil - and a Mackie MCU Pro control surface.
ProTools all day every day. It's the tool of Post.
Magix Sequoia/Samplitude on PC en Logic on the IMac Realy love Dave Brown plugins, I realy don't think it would be possible to make one plugin to take care of all stuff needed, maybe also to expensive.
I personally don't use a DAW as I tend to video edit as oppose to sound design/score or multitrack audio projects including dialogue, sound effects and music. But know people who do, I will tend to give them audio to fix or improve.
I use Protools for all my postproduction work. I've really been enjoying the Izotope plugins lately. For music I use Ableton Live and Protools. Haven't ever tried Sequoia/Samplitude.