Andrew Irvin was born and raised throughout Central Ohio, living and attending school in Newark, Granville, and Columbus. He attended university at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. While there, he pursued his interests in music, film, and dance by organizing, recording, and participating in a wide number of concerts, shooting his first feature film, Work It Out, in the moments between shows and parties amidst various musicians and artists.
Avid about documenting performance media, he also constructed and operated Kenyon's radio station recording studio, recording for various student and outside musicians. After working on a number of student films at Northwestern University in 2008 and a stint as a video store clerk at Chicago's Odd Obsession Movies, he ended up in Los Angeles, California where he worked on short films and managed the band, Atta Boy.
After living and working on the west side for two and a half years, he relocated to Fiji, where he has worked on a variety of climate change-related projects over the past eight years.
Kenyon College