My passion for film had begun since I was a child. Over the years, it grew stronger and stronger and has brought me to where I am today. The magic of cinema had captivated me and held a tight grip over my heart and spirit. I always knew I wanted to be involved in the industry and be a part of that world; I just didn’t know when I would start or how I would get there. One day in 2009, I told myself I was going to make that leap forward. I had purchased myself a cheap, lower quality camera and just started doing what I always wanted to do; make my own films. When I first started working as a director and producing my own films I never worked with a professional crew; never had any assistance on set; nor have I ever had a big producer throw a large budget at me. I learned to create films with the resources available to me. From utilizing my close friends as principal actors, to shooting without any practical lighting and only using the natural light sources available; my knowledge of how to make films grew stronger and stronger by project as I self taught all that I know. Over time, I have progressed by working under more ‘’practical’’ circumstances and have begun working with others in a more professional environment. All that being said; everything I know is self taught. Short films, music videos, documentaries, montages; all aspects of filmmaking are important to me and continue to give me the motivational drive to carry on and live my passion. I hope to continue creating and collaborating with others, while inspiring and touching many people with the stories that I put up on screen.
Alex Chehrazi
Trebas Film Institute