I have a problem finding names that feel right and start with different letters. That's just me, I don't like having dialogue between people with similar names, too confusing for the reader. Please give your method, plus suggestion for a 29 year old well educated drug dealer, black, could be Boston born.
I use The Writer's Digest "Character Naming Sourcebook" - it gives national origin, meanings of the first names, and gives last names for each nationality. Ex: Byron means Bear - Radolf means Red Wolf.
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I use a huge baby name book that also supplies name origins, meaning, and many alternate spellings. It also has several lists of popular names by decade, countries, and themes. Very helpful.
Here are the names I settled on if anyone is interested. Amy (20's), Ella (15 Amy's sister), Sue (20's Amy ex-girlfriend), Doug (Amy's dealer), Drea (was Andrea - Amy's buyer), Yuri, Isaac, Karl & Jonas. I nearly used Preston for Andrea, but it didn't sound right when it was read out.
I get my ideas from athletes; College & Pro. I scan the rosters.
You know, I often struggle with naming people myself. If it's my main characters, I usually pick names that might have some sort of secret significance and insight into their personalities, though I never mention anything about that in my actual scripts or novels.