Ryan A. Herring's Lounge Discussions

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
Your rights regarding adapting public domain material for a screenplay

Recently, I was reading about 20th Century horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and noticed that all his short stories published before 1923 were considered public domain. But what does that mean exactly? According to the Stanford University website public domain is defined as: "The term “public domain” ref...

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I will be doing an upcoming blog on 'adaptions' on Script Revolution.

Tony Cella

I'm a fan of Lovecraft. With his growing cultural influence, it's a surprise more of his stories haven't appeared on screen. Once I'm finished with my current projects I'll be adapting a short story one of his influence's wrote to fit modern day.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Tony: I look forward to reading it when it's done.

Tony Cella

@Phillip: For sure. I'll send it along. Lovecraft wouldn't haunt you. He was a strict materialist. Returning from the grave would be admitting he was wrong. He was too proud to move to the big cities to earn a living as a publisher; I doubt the after-life has diminished his pride.

Tony Cella
Budget For A Proof Of Concept

I'm working on a proof of concept for a feature film. All the scenes take place in a house--two houses really, but by using separate rooms it'll look like two locations--, a small crew and a limited cast. I'm in Chicago. It's difficult to find a producer at the moment, since I just moved back, don't...

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Tony Cella

The script is 3.5 pages long. It'll be a one day shoot. I'm paying the cast and crew to ensure a quality product and attract a talented team. There are two party scenes. I'll pay the non-speaking extr...

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Ryan A. Herring

Sounds like it shouldn't be too hard to budget out since it's only one day. Best of luck.

Tony Cella

Probably, but it never hurts to inquire. Thank you for the advice.

Royce Allen Dudley

If you are calling in favors, it can be made for crafty, catering and departmental expendable costs. Period. And that dollar amount can be $10 to thousand$. Your breakdown will til you.

Tony Cella

That's true, Royce, but I'm not the most connected and I'd rather pay for higher quality. The proof of concept is meant as a tool for pitching to investors and producers. An amateurish product won't serve that purpose.

Ryan A. Herring
Scriptapalooza Experience?

Hey all, quick question. I am runner-up in this year's Scriptapalooza contest and I'm wondering if anyone else on here has any experience or advice with regards to taking advantage of your win and if they offered anything that was helpful to you personally. Thanks!

Tony Cella

Congrats Ryan.

Ryan A. Herring
Shadow Mountain

As a showcase for my skills as a Writer/Director I decided to take my newest series and adapt the pilot script to a web series that I'm self producing with zero budget and a two-man crew. 'Shadow Mountain' - Original Series. LOGLINE - A teenage boy is connected in his dreams with a strange but beaut...

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Ryan A. Herring
Writer/Director -2016 Scriptapalooza Runner-Up for historical epic 'The Olympians'

Hey all! Just getting started here and wanted to introduce myself. I love writing about Pacific Northwest, especially the places that are meaningful to me and I have a connection with in real life. I have a family history of pioneering and homesteading in the Northwest and Alaska, so stories of the...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic IY post, Ryan. Great to have you in the community!

Richard Gustason

Hello Ryan and welcome to the Stage.

Stephen Barber

Ryan, I just finished a script that (ends) in the very beginning of 19th century. Writing it was my second favorite script I've ever done.

Pat Savage

Hello Ryan and welcome to Stage 32 where everything you might need to help promote and forward your career as an aspiring writer and filmmaker is located!.

Ryan A. Herring

Thanks everyone, and happy writing!

Christopher Binder
Gearing Up To Write My Next Features (Feel Anxious)

I'm getting ready to start writing down my own adaptation of Paradise Lost by John Milton (on November 1st, All Saints Day, feels appropriate enough. I can be like that artistically speaking). It's going to be two stand alone scripts and the seed has been there since the start of college seven years...

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Ryan A. Herring

"The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better." - Stephen King. A good creative work should challenge the artist, and every challenge will take new coura...

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Bill Costantini

There was a big to-do a while back when a Paradise Lost adaptation was in pre-production, which was eventually halted. I remember reading an article later about it...one of the writers was talking abo...

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Christopher Binder

Bill Costantini LOL! Yeah I def remember back in 2012 reading about Legendary canceling Bradly Cooper's version of it. And to be honest, Cooper would have been a pretty fascinating choice to play the...

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Travis Sharp
You probably already do this but...

My writing family, When I'm feeling a lack of confidence or I'm looking to boost my writing brain, I take a drive at lunch and LISTEN (not watch, safety first) to a YouTube clip or Netflix movie of something I feel is great writing. Lately it has been the opening speech by Tommy Lee Jones in No Coun...

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David Levy

I listen to movie scores or whatever music motivates me at that moment. Like Stephen, I either go for a run or weight training to let my mind think and process. I write smaller projects, too. For inst...

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Jody Ellis

I write every day. No matter how I am feeling in regards to insecurities, no matter how unmotivated I might be, no matter if I have a million other things to do. I may not always work on the same writ...

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Delia Mazzocchi

I do exactly as Stephen Barber: I go to the jym and run listening to the loudest music. Something always move.. But I absolutely sure thqt I shoud do like Jody... I should write something EVERY day...

Stacy Thowe

I try to write as much as I can as often as I can, but is unrealistic to think that you can write and write quality, meaningful material and not get bogged down with the age old dilemma of the questio...

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Travis Sharp

What is this "gym" place you all talk about? I think I may have gone to one once or twice back before I had kids. I think for me it's next to Jimmy Johns. I spend a good amount of time there.

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