Loglines & Screenplays by Conrad Ekeke

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Finding Mama

GENRES: Film-noir, Historical

Finding Mama

A six year old boy must trace his mother in the hassles of handling his ailment in a world so carefree but finds out about her passing at the peak of his crisis and with the help of an unsolicited writer, gets philanthropists racing to his aid.

The Dead Gods

GENRES: Mystery, Sci-fi

Aliens from an intruding planet into the milky-way galaxy must use up the earth's natural gold to fix their dying atmosphere but the slaves they create to do the mining soon turn their backs on them and decide to keep the gold for themselves.

The Family Counselor

GENRES: Romance, Drama

The Family Counselor

In the midst of her marriage turning sour, a family counselor must prevent a foreseen divorce scandal, by her husband that would rupture her career and tender kids' emotions, even as she resists a chance to love; and be loved.


GENRES: Action, Sci-fi, Adventure

A small plane crashes on an unknown island and the survivors soon discover that they are not alone. While trying to get home, they must fight for their lives against evolution gone horribly wrong.


GENRES: Mystery, Adventure, Fantasy

When a deep sleep falls upon man at Eden, he travels back to a time of his evolutionary ancestry where he must find love and overcome a pitiless persecution by his ancestral clans.


GENRES: Action, Thriller, Crime

Five most wanted outlaws must settle their racial differences to escape from a terrorist act they're innocent of.


GENRES: Action, Horror, Adventure

A 15th Century tale of a young princess who saves her clan's tradition from the corrupt influence of a greedy uncle whose interest is to sell their god to merchant sailors.

The Rise of The Fallen Angel

GENRES: Action, Mystery, Sci-fi, Historical

Before ascending the throne of Israel, as king, an Archangel must combat and cast away the angel of darkness who corrupts the heavens and creation. A war breaks out in heaven and it's brought to humanity in the year 1914 when the angel of darkness is cast down to the earth.


GENRES: Sci-fi, Horror

A delusional taxidermist makes an incredible finding on blending genetically energetic chromosomes from aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Worst than vampires, his new creation threatens to erase the human race but his servile acolyte, with the help of an inquisitive truck driver would stop at nothing to put an end to the charade.

Con Terror

GENRES: Action, Thriller

In the midst of distrust, viscous Jeremy Duncan surrounds himself with the flaws of his own con. More is never enough as conning stands everyone's chance of survival.


GENRES: Action, Thriller

When a cruel drug lord gets fed up from a $5million deal gone bad between two brothers, he mounts a coup to take them out only to be entrapped in his own con. Betrayal sets in among friends but the witty brothers are wise enough to meander through an unlikely upheaval, with everyone scrambling, to make away with the $5million worth killing for.

AND THE EARTH (The Garden of Doom)

GENRES: Action, Sci-fi, Fantasy

AND THE EARTH (The Garden of Doom)

A rebellious angel discovers the hidden secret that would equate him to his maker and corrupts many other angels to revolt against their maker. Bound to protect his integrity, the creator devices a new means to conceive his secret out of his kingdom by creating another Kingdom but his adversary wouldn't give up on his quest to achieve all that his maker conceives.

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