Justin Demeere's Lounge Discussions

Ozzie Stewart
Casting..........how important is it?

Casting...Is it important to a film? Is the casting process and director important? As an actor, who do you see first? Why? Should casting directors be acknowledged? Let me know your thoughts !!!! SERIOUSLY !!!! Check out CASTING BY. Humbled to be a VERY SMALL part of the production. There's a great...

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Ozzie Stewart

Hey there. Great to hear from you especially as I've been off the circuit for the last year. CHEERs

Matthew Parvin

Casting a role is like picking the right singer for a songwriter. You make the widgets, they take them to the public.

Doug Nelson

In a word - vital.

Ginger Gilley


Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

...an 8 year old post... where are these coming from???

Tommy Nelson
Screenplay Titles!

When working on an original script, how often do you change the title through or after the writing process? I know the title is as crucial as the writing itself and I was just curious as to how many different titles other writers go through before settling on the right one.

Daniel Lokey

oh sorry yes I can never make up my mind.

Tabitha Baumander

I write novels and screenplays and the title is always a hard one. I think you have to boil it down to a single element that tells the whole reason the story exists. Then understand that some second p...

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William Martell

For me the story is the title, so I usually stick with it until Fade Out... then it might change. I have a script that began as a story about people who worked the graveyard shift, and the title refle...

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Benjamin James Turner

I've never been able to nail a title right out of the gate. I always use a working title and hope that a more poignant title emerges as I write.

Alex Sarris

Hey Tommy, the title and Logline are critical as it is the first thing a potential Producer reads. If it doesn't appeal to him then he may not read further so I can understand your desire to get it ri...

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Chip Street
Horror screenplay optioned

My horror creature feature screenplay "FAERIES" has been optioned. The producer is now putting together the biz plan, creating some previz, and is developing the concept into a franchise. Wish us luck!

Kirk Johnson

Well that blows, sorry to hear that.

Michael R King

I'm sorry this one didn't work out. Keep plugging away at it though. I think you might be on the right track. His loss.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Chip: Even with options its so hard to get someone ante up the money to make a film. I'm working with a producer who has a short term option for two scripts and maybe a third. He's doing his best to g...

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Suzanne Lutas

Sorry about that Chip. Hope more honest producers will option you shortly. Best of luck!

David L Tamarin

Never give up.

Jeremy Hunter
Does the length of you're script really matter?

I just finished the second half re-write of one of my scripts. I've never been this satisfied with anything I wrote before. Every scene adds to the story, there doesn't seem to be any filler, the actions and dialogue were written with ease although the length, which I've been told most screenplays s...

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Elisabeth Meier

@Leontien I did not mean he shall send it together. Just write others and have it in his bag when pitching. Many producers want to see whether you are a complete newbie or have some experience in writ...

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Leotien Parlevliet

Okay, I got it!

Stefano Pavone

No. As long as you've got a well-crafted story, length isn't that much of an issue, the reader's going to be sucked in.

Craig D Griffiths


Being on the short side is always better. Think of a meal. You finish a great meal. The chef says I have more if you would like it. "Yes please," you say. And more arrives.

You had a desire for mor...

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Richard Bruce Stirling

I aim for 110 pages or less - ideally 105 - just because the books says "120 pages," remember that each extra page is $$$$$$$$ - don't write and write assuming the reader will read on - if you don't h...

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Justin Demeere
Updated the reel, any pointers?

Looking for some feedback on the reel. I have other things like Army footage, river rafting, and things but I felt it just didn't fit. I still feel some things might not fit well but I didn't want to take away the versatility either. Looking forward to adding a lot more this year though. https://vim...

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