Chris Vincent

Chris Vincent

Writer, Producer

Denver, Colorado

Member Since:
April 2016
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About Chris


I have been writing professionally for several years (screenplays, short stories) and have received the following recognition for my work:

--Rowing Underwater, a quarter finalist in the Nicholl Fellowship Awards Program (top 262 scripts out of over 5,000), a first cut placement (top five percent) in a recent Zoetrope Screenplay Competition, a quarter finalist in the Cinestory Screenplay Competition, a top ten percent placement in The Austin Heart Of Film Competition, and a semi-finalist in a recent Filmmakers Magazine Screenplay competition.

--A Postman’s Elegy, a semi-finalist in a recent AAA Screenwriting Contest sponsored by Creative Screenwriting Magazine.

--Less Than Holy, a quarter-finalist in a recent Cinestory Screenplay Competition.

--Yackety-Yak (Don’t Talk Back) and Evergreen Inn, two short stories published in Thirteen Stories Magazine. Incident at Fox Island, a short story published in Down in the Dirt Magazine.

--Yackety-Yak (Don't Talk Back). Top 10 Finalist in 2017 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest.

. 1st place winner of American Film Awards, Los Angeles, for Short Film, The Garage.
. World London Film Festival.
. Independent Shorts Awards, Winner.
. Florence Film Awards.
. New York Movie Awards, Winner.
. World Film Carnival, Singapore, Winner
. Many Others





  • The Garage

    The Garage Budget: $0 - $100K | Thriller A summer job turns into a nightmare for a young man who thinks he knows everything.


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