Frank Fletcher, State of Prey.
As Frank Fletcher in State of Prey action movie. #stateofprey
As Frank Fletcher. State of Prey 2019. Release date 2020.
On set as Frank Fletcher. #stateofprey
Preparing to 'shoot' the nanny - The Cucaracha Club.
Setting up the hotel shot - The Cucaracha Club.
Framing the shot - The Cucaracha Club.
The killing of Khan (1) - The Cucaracha Club.
Setting up for first shoot of the day - The Cucaracha Club.
Prepping cameras for days shooting on boats - The Cucaracha Club.
Shooting fight scene on boat (1) - The Cucaracha Club.
Shooting the crowds on the docks - The Cucaracha Club.
Rehearsals - Arnold Crouch in Not Now Darling.
Dress rehearsals - Arnold Crouch in Not Now Darling.
Dress rehearsals - Henry Mitchell in Sex Please We're Willing
Dress rehearsals - Henry Mitchell in Sex Please, We're Willing.
Dress Reheasals - Arnold Crouch in Not Now Darling
Henpecked husband - music video shoot
On the beach - The Cucaracha Club.
Shooting The Cucaracha Club crowdfundfing video - setting up the shot.