Felita Bell's Lounge Discussions

Felita Bell
Hi everyone

My name is Felita Bell. I am new to Stage 32 and trying to get acquainted to the tools on this site. I am a screenwriter hoping to connect with producers, directors, and production companies in hopes of getting my screenplays produced.

Shakeerah Mcpherson
Introducing myself and sharing what I do...

I want to introduce myself. I work as a Casting Director with TR Burns Films and Influence TV Networks. We are looking for projects that are looking for bigger platform to be on.. If you have a film, tv series, web series I would love to see if you fit the mode for this network. Influence TV Network...

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Shakeerah Mcpherson

Thank you Aray and Conrad! Send me your email Conrad and ill send you info. on what im looking for?

Debbie Croysdale

Hi and welcome. "Inspirational Media" sounds an interesting platform, I think there s a shortage in media now. We need more real life Intrigue !

Shakeerah Mcpherson

Yes I could agree more Debbie! Thank you

Felita Bell

Hi Shakeerah. I have a couple of screenplays. Let me know if you would like more details about them.

Shakeerah Mcpherson

Email me Felita at shakeerah@trburnsfilms.com

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